Thursday, November 14, 2013

Nichole Russell- "When you lead with humility, everything else will fall into place."

In our technology driven society, media has power. The individuals behind the media are arguably some of the most influential in the world.

Now more than ever, Christian leaders are needed in the fields of video production, audio technology, public relations, and journalism. Nichole Russell is a young person who recognizes the need and she is determined to do her part in changing the current media landscape.

We found Nichole at a local coffee shop, enjoying a latte and editing the College of the Ozarks Student Outlook. Her job as Editor of the paper is both a practical application of her English and Journalism majors and a chance to develop leadership skills.

Nichole adopted her intense focus and work ethic early in her childhood. She recalls her dedication to academics through all stages of her schooling and recognizes how it influenced her study habits.

“You could definitely say that I was an overachiever. I think that I still am to a certain extent. I have always held myself to a very high standard, which meant that even at a young age, I was concerned about homework and grades more than any of the other kids.”

Her strong support from home, however, kept her grounded in life outside of her textbooks.

“I had a very close family unit when I was growing up. My mom was incredibly influential as I watched her overcome so much. In the moment, I never realized how remarkable it was that she balanced business and motherhood almost effortlessly. That is a task that deserves immense respect.”

Outside of her family, Nichole also remembers the guidance that her teachers provided. In a school that valued athletics and extroverts, one teacher in particular went against the grain and reached out to Nichole.

“He told me how important academics really are and he really encouraged me to strengthen my study habits. Responsibility within schoolwork and leadership were important to him, and after he became the principal of our school, I got to see how he tried to emphasize those on a daily basis.”

Nichole’s road to College of the Ozarks was different than that many other students. After graduating a year early, she applied but was waitlisted. In order to continue her studies during the waiting time, she took classes at Ozarks Technical Community College. The results surprised her.

“Looking back, I see that I needed to grow as a student and a person before starting at C of O, but at the time I had apprehensions about OTC. But once I started there, I was blown away. The teachers were so influential for me, especially in my English and literature classes. Needless to say, I am glad I had the time there.”

Once she finally began school at C of O, Nichole says she felt overwhelmed by the many opportunities available for student involvement. Looking for her niche, she enrolled in a journalism class and developed passion for the journalistic writing.

As the Editor of the Student Outlook, Nichole daily has opportunities to develop and grow in her leadership skills. While producing a quality paper is important to her, she also sees the importance in developing the personal skills of her staff writers.
“During their time writing the stories and interviewing campus leaders, Outlook staff writers naturally feel a deeper connection to the community at C of O. But it is honestly  about so much more than that. The Outlook can build confidence with interpersonal relationship skills and teach about working with different personality types. Not only do writing skills improve, but the writers also learn valuable leadership lessons as well.”

In the future, Nichole hopes to further her education in either of her majors. After eventually earning her PhD, she is open to teaching at the university level. Regardless of where she teaches, however, Nichole is determined to follow where God leads her.

As someone called to a life and career in the media, Nichole is sure to face adversaries that disagree with her opinions and viewpoints. However, Nichole’s maturity and leadership qualities will allow her to handle the situation with grace, patience, and humility.

“Honestly, as I see it, staying humble even in the face of success is crucial as a leader. Humbleness allows people respect you and you to better understand others. When you lead with humility, everything else will fall into place.”

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