Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Brian Poulsen- "Even when you make mistakes, you have to trust that God is guiding your steps."

College is a unique time of life. Through freshman, sophomore, and junior years, students are constantly growing, developing their leadership skills. By the time students make it to their senior year, many can become protective of their status as upperclassmen.  

However, some seniors see the value in sharing their advice and leadership lessons with younger students. Brian Poulsen is a College of the Ozarks senior that is choosing to invest in the next generation of student leaders.

Through his leadership roles as a Character Camp Pop, Resident’s Assistant., and Men’s Worship Night coordinator, Brian has gained knowledge and grown as a leader. Now, he wants to share that with others.

“I have always been taught about the importance of discipleship. When I first started school here, I wanted to surround myself with a solid core group of guys. The older students were influential in guiding us as freshmen and sophomores, and now that I am an upperclassman, I think that investing in the next students is the best way to give back.”

That concept of discipleship was something that Brian grew up around, even as a small child, thanks to the views of his dad. Brian still regards his dad as one of the most influential leaders in his life.

“He preached leadership, but never in an overbearing way. During my childhood, I remember how he would always share his heart for discipleship. Training and building others up: that is still what he is all about.”

Brian was able to see his parents’ leadership in action thanks on many occasions during their time as missionaries in New Guinea. Growing up in the midst of the missions field gave Brian a unique childhood; one that he has never regretted.

“As a kid, the international mission field is one of the coolest things. I mean, I grew up running through the jungles surrounded by a strong, Christ-centered family unit. It really does not get much better than that.”

While many of his peers were busy applying to colleges around the country, Brian was focused on finishing high school and getting back to the missions field. He graduated a year early with no interest in college. After taking that year off, he decided to apply to College of the Ozarks on a whim.

“I distinctly remember being nonchalant about the whole thing, even after I had applied. I was so sure that college was my roadblock to doing missions; so much so that I almost missed the opportunity right in front of me.”

It was a moment he shared with his dad, however, that put things changed his perspective.

“My dad called me into the room and told me that I had a letter from College of the Ozarks. After I opened it and saw that I had been accepted, he said that we should stop and thank God for this amazing blessing. I will always remember that. He saw then what I now understand; C of O really is an amazing blessing.”

Since his time in college, Brian has been able to grow in his leadership skills through a variety of opportunities. Now in his fifth semester as an R.A. for Youngman Dorm, Brian is daily reminded of the responsibility that comes along with his job.

“When I first applied, I did not realize the importance of the R.A. position. R.A.’s are some of the first people that new students meet, and it is our job to make them feel comfortable. It is about reaching out and opening the channels for dialogue. The residents do look up to us, so it is important to show an interest in their lives and be willing to talk with them.”

Working in Youngman has been beneficial for Brian’s growth as well.

“Honestly, I have experienced a ton of self-realization through it all. Working with the guys has challenged me on a lot of things, especially when it comes to confrontation. In leadership, confrontation is bound to happen, so we have to learn how to handle it appropriately. Often, when I confront, I do it out of love but not always in a loving way. I am working on improving, but it is definitely an area that I am still learning in.”

Brian’s passion for men’s ministry has extended past his R.A. position. This semester, he was one of the driving forces behind starting a worship night for the men of the C of O campus.

“The men’s worship night started with a group of us questioning why nothing like that was already in place. College is a pivotal time of life for men because these years can define who you are. We saw the need at C of O, and so we started it in hopes that guys would respond. The turnout has been encouraging and God has really blessed our worship times together.”

Looking towards the future, Brian is hoping to find more chances to lead alongside his soon-to-be wife, Lily.

“In the real world, leadership opportunities are not just handed out. They have to be sought after. One way that I am excited to do that is within a church community. When you are in college, it is hard to settle down with a home church, so Lily and I would love to find one once I graduate. We are both passionate about helping with youth activities, and I enjoy leading worship, so who knows where God will lead us.”

God is undeniably continuing His work in Brian’s life, and each step, no matter how difficult, is developing his leadership skills even further. For Brian, the work is not only about the end result, but the process of getting there as well.

“Leadership is such a tricky thing because it can get you hated in one moment and loved the next. To me, it is all about stepping out in faith that you are doing the best you can. Even when you make mistakes, you have to trust that God is guiding your steps."

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