Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Duncan Tillack- "If your purpose is to show Christ's love, you will be a leader wherever you are."

Healthcare is a nationwide, hot button topic that consistently can make even the most docile Americans argue passionately. So often, however, we miss the larger point. Clouded by the debates and deliberation, Americans can forget how blessed they are to have doctors and medicine available at all. With the atrocities of hospitals and doctor’s offices in other regions of the world, the U.S. is more privileged than most.

College of the Ozarks Junior Duncan Tillack has seen firsthand the poor medical conditions available to other parts of the world. Through multiple mission trips to Haiti, Duncan has developed a passion for helping those who are less fortunate and he is focused on taking action to do so.  

Duncan’s compassion for others is not a new development in his life. In fact, he told us that he recognizes how his love for people effected his childhood.

“I remember as a kid having hundreds of friends. Honestly! I never thought of anyone as a stranger, so I would just talk to anyone I saw. Even then, I just loved all kinds of people.”

Especially in his youth, this determination to befriend many led him to new hobbies and interests.

“I went through these phases growing up where I would try out random, new things. My family still jokes about it; how I could not make up my mind about what I enjoyed. But honestly, I look back at that time as being positive for me. I learned a ton about the stuff I was involved with, but I learned a lot about myself as well.”

That developed sense of self would be challenged during junior high and high school, a time when many students are faced with adversity and identity issues.

“I think that junior high and high school is the first place where student’s leadership skills are not only tested and developed, but openly challenged by those who disagree. Trying to be an example in the classroom, with friends, with teammates: it can be difficult to balance leadership roles in those situations.”
Duncan says that his Dad’s advice and support was crucial to his leadership development.

“My Dad was probably my biggest influencer in regards to leadership and, honestly, life in general. He remains selfless and serves others with a genuinely happy heart. It never seems forced or strained. He really has inspired me to serve others.”

Through his involvement at C of O, Duncan has had many opportunities to put his Dad’s servant leadership styles to use, all the while developing his own unique way of leading.

“At first, I did not recognize the opportunities we have as C of O students. I came here knowing that paying for college anywhere else would be too difficult. It is the only place I ended up applying, but what an amazing experience it has been. Through doing Character Camp and working on the Council for Student Programs, I have really developed my leadership skills and a strong sense of self.”

As a Human Biology major with a Pre-Med emphasis, Duncan is learning to balance the challenging time constraints associated with his difficult classes. But when looking towards the end result of his work, Duncan is willing to make the sacrifice.

“I have been through a lot of majors since I started college, and each has come out of this desire to help people. Now, more than ever, I know I am studying what I should be to accomplish that goal. I have a passion for what I am learning and even though each class is challenging, that passion has just grown. I now see that medicine is an awesome vehicle to help and serve people, and I cannot wait to get out there and start.”

In the future, Duncan is considering medical school at Kansas University with the end goal being to become a surgeon. Although his interest is currently in orthopedics, he says he is open to whatever the Lord may have for him.

Whatever the coming years hold, Duncan knows that he has a strong support system, including that of his fiancé Alex.

“Through all of the changes I have experienced in life, Alex has been one of my constants. She is spiritually solid in her faith, and her focus and dedication really help to pull me back in if I ever get too overwhelmed with life. She shares my passion for people, and with her studying nursing, we are excited to eventually open some sort of clinic in a smaller country. We have discussed living there for a portion of each year, which gives us a chance to use the talents that God has given us and also help those who are in need.”

Duncan’s life has been filled with difficulties, but also moments of perseverance and triumph. As many before him, he chooses to learn from each moment life gives him, bettering himself as a leader, son, brother, and future husband. In spite of his accomplishments, however, Duncan recognizes the importance of humility in leadership.     

“I think, as leaders, it is crucial for us to find the balance between confidence and humility. It is so easy in leadership to become confident in what you know or have done, but leaders must be humble enough to work and serve out of love. If your purpose is to show Christ’s love, you will be a leader wherever you are.” 

For more information about a student leader in the medical field, check out our feature on Nursing student Alex Tecle!


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