Sunday, September 8, 2013

Taylor Poor- "Do all for the glory of God and you won't have to be perfect."

Few of us truly take the time to stop and recognize the beauty of life. Especially as a young person, pressures of being a student can distract us from the meaningful moments happening around us. It is often not until our faith is truly tested that we can celebrate the smallest victories as blessings.

For College of the Ozarks Junior Taylor Poor, perspective changed with a medical diagnosis that shocked her world. But it is her attitude towards challenges that daily inspires her family, friends, and peers.

Born and raised in Branson, Missouri, Taylor was an extrovert from birth. She was constantly seeking new friendships and found many through participation in school, church, and athletics. In spite of her outward poise, she was inwardly facing common childhood issues.

“I absolutely hated being alone. I think I actually had a very low self-confidence, but I tried to keep that part of myself hidden.”

Taylor says her leadership training started with her parents’ daily leading by example. She still lists her father as one of her greatest leadership mentors.

“Watching my dad coach always has inspired me as a leader. He still inspires me. My dad is able to communicate well, but can also lead just by example, which is so admirable.”

Following in the footsteps of her athletic family, Taylor began to invest herself in various sports at her school. She found her identity in her talents, but circumstances changed when something threatened her familiar way of life.

In 2007, Taylor was diagnosed with RSDS, also known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome. As described by the RSDS Association website, RSDS is a “chronic neurological syndrome characterized by burning pain, sensitivity to touch, and tissue swelling.” The condition attacked Taylor’s nervous system, and the pain would come in unpredictable and uncontrollable waves. But with the constant support of her family, she persevered and pushed forward.

“My condition has helped me with showing people tolerance and patience. In dealing with my own pain and realizing how it affects me, I can notice that others are hurting as well. That’s why some people act out towards those around them.”

Taylor has applied her personal experiences to her leadership in the community and on the C of O campus. Now 20 years old, she is focused on her studies in the Public Relations field, but still finds time to stay involved in campus activities like dances, games, and retreats. Just as she was in her childhood, Taylor is constantly seeking new friendships with those around her.

“I truly value genuine relationships. I don’t ever want people to feel like they  have to wear a mask around me or have it all together. I want my friendships to be authentic because that’s how I try to be in all that I do.”

After graduation, Taylor hopes to find a career that ties her PR major and Christian Ministries minor together. She still enjoys public speaking and desires to impact the world around her by spreading awareness about RSDS.

“I remember a time where I would stay up praying, begging God to use me in any way. I’m starting to see that my condition is an opportunity to do that. In a way, it’s a strange answer to prayer.”

Through her leadership, Taylor is encouraging and inspiring those around her to persevere and rest in who God has called them to be.

Do all for the glory of God and you won’t have to be perfect. You can be confident in what He has for you. That’s really my biggest hope for others.”       

For more information on RSDS and what patients like Taylor are doing to spread awareness, check out the RSDS Association website.   

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