Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Arielle Pearson- "Nothing can keep you being successful except yourself."

As children, we can be especially susceptible to the leadership and attitudes of those around us. Although parents and siblings can be influential, children pick up many behavioral habits in school. That leaves the American school system in desperate need of positive, character-oriented teachers. However, poor salaries and increased violence in schools has discouraged some from entering the profession. But for a few brave and determined young students, teaching is a passion that they are determined to pursue. 

College of the Ozarks senior Arielle Pearson is one of those students. Drawing inspiration from teachers in her past, Pearson is daily preparing and bettering herself to lead a classroom full of students looking to her for guidance. It is a responsibility that she is already feeling, but the cost does not outweigh the reward in her mind. 
Arielle’s love of school was noticeable at a young age. She would get excited each time she had the opportunity to be with her fellow students, keeping busy and finding adventure.

“I have always loved creativity and imagination. I think that is why I had so much fun in school at a younger age. My teachers really tried to cultivate that outgoing side of my personality, so I accredit them with the fact that I still use those skills.”

School became a joy for her as she watched and learned from the teachers surrounding her. Arielle says that her Aunt, an elementary teacher, proved to be an influential leader in her younger life.

“I remember watching her in classes. How she interacted with her students, how much she loved her work; she saw it as an opportunity for ministry and it really inspired me.”

Arielle’s perspective of school changed in the 5th grade when she experienced a loss that no child should have to endure. 

“My Mom died when I was in the 5th grade and so much changed for my family. School suddenly became a safe haven for me and my teachers were amazing about reaching out to me and doing their best to create an environment for me to thrive. They made a huge impact.”

The Pearson family also received encouragement from their local church. She remembers the outpouring of love from the women in their congregation and says she never felt without female influences because of their fervent love. Arielle also leaned on her Dad during the times of mourning, looking to him as an example.

“I got to see how my Dad persevered and continued his work with grace and honesty, even in times of struggle. He leaned on the Lord through mistakes and teaches me a great deal of character just by the way he lives life.”

Throughout her teenage years, Arielle stayed involved in church and relied on the support of her family and congregation. When the time came to consider colleges, C of O was far from the top of her list.

“I was honestly sure that I would be going to the University of Arkansas. It was close to home and still a pretty good school, but then College of the Ozarks came out of nowhere. I really did not think I had a chance to get in, but I applied anyway on a whim. I guess the rest is kind of history!”

The choice of an education major was equally surprising for Arielle. Although she had personally experienced the influence that a teacher can have in helping a student, she was not sure it was right for her.

“I remember getting the list of majors offered at C of O. I pulled out a sharpie and started crossing off things that I just knew would never work out, and I kept coming back to education. Turns out it was the last thing left on the list, so I was pretty sure that was not a coincidence.”

She says that her education classes at C of O have blessed her beyond imagination, and their leadership daily reminds her of why she loves teaching.

“My goal is to create a safe, warm, and welcoming environment for those students who maybe do not have that at home. My teachers did that for me, so this is my chance to pass it on. Kids have to go to school…so why not let the learning lead them to a better life? That is what I have the chance to do.”

After she graduates with her Elementary Education degree, Arielle is considering a move to the inner city to work with a group known as “Teach America” through the Peace Corps. She wants to be an example of faith in the public school system and allow her Christian background to shine through to her students. In spite of the challenges no doubt will come, Arielle is staying positive and focused on the young leaders she will be influencing.

“It is really all about empowerment and making them believe in themselves. Their pasts do not matter when the teacher really takes the time to inspire them. Nothing can keep you from being successful except yourself.”              

Friday, September 13, 2013

Alex Tecle- "Everyone is a child of God, even if they don't know it."

Most people have a stereotypical view of college students and how they spend their time. Socializing, partying, athletics: these are all common college priorities that can overshadow the importance of academia.
For students like Alex Tecle, however, college has taken a different form. As a 21-year-old Nursing major at College of the Ozarks, Alex daily chooses to sacrifice the traditional “college experience” in order to focus on his career field. However, the experience and discipline he is gaining has set him up as a future leader in the Nursing world.  
Alex’s passion for nursing began at a young age. While many other children were focused on youthful careers, he was spending time with the nurses at a local hospital where both of his parents worked.
“I got used to the environment and the nature of the job. I recognized the passion my parents and the staff had for helping people, and even at a young age I related to that.”
Throughout his younger years, Alex was full of energy and creativity. He quickly developed a strong educational discipline by looking to his parents as positive role models.

“My Dad set a good precedent for the family by leading us in faith and teaching a good work ethic. He is always unselfish in putting others first, and I still look up to him, to this day.”

When the time came to consider options for college, Alex was confident that he would be studying Nursing at a large state university. But it was a recommendation from family friends and an act of faith that led him to do a campus tour at College of the Ozarks.
“Even once I took the tour, I wasn’t necessarily sure that C of O was for me. But there was something about it that was alluring, so I took a chance and just hoped for the best. Looking back, I am so glad I took that risk. I’ve been so blessed with my opportunities here.”
As soon as he began school at College of the Ozarks, Alex began to get involved in the many opportunities on campus. He quickly realized that being a college-level Nursing student at C of O would require even more than he had imagined. Even still, he was not intimidated by the workload, but instead stayed confident in the discipline and work ethic he was taught as a child.
“Being a part of the Nursing program at C of O has taught me a lot about leadership. I’ve always been fascinated with servant leadership and those leaders who build trust with their people by getting in and doing the hard, dirty work. The program here definitely emphasizes that.”

Upon his graduation, Alex hopes to continue his studies with the intent of further developing his career. He feels comfortable with his future as an RN, and even expresses interest in eventually becoming a Nurse Practioner. His future success will likely come at a cost, but it is a sacrifice Alex is willing to make to serve and better his community.

Today, those who know Alex can see all of his hard work paying off. Still he refuses to stop where he is at, and instead continues to push forward to inspire future leaders in the Nursing field.

“The best advice I would give to someone considering Nursing is to pray for God to develop a servant heart in them. We have a chance to show love to those who might not want to accept it. Though it’s hard, we are called as Christians and as nurses to love people because everyone is a child of God, even when they don’t know it.”

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Taylor Poor- "Do all for the glory of God and you won't have to be perfect."

Few of us truly take the time to stop and recognize the beauty of life. Especially as a young person, pressures of being a student can distract us from the meaningful moments happening around us. It is often not until our faith is truly tested that we can celebrate the smallest victories as blessings.

For College of the Ozarks Junior Taylor Poor, perspective changed with a medical diagnosis that shocked her world. But it is her attitude towards challenges that daily inspires her family, friends, and peers.

Born and raised in Branson, Missouri, Taylor was an extrovert from birth. She was constantly seeking new friendships and found many through participation in school, church, and athletics. In spite of her outward poise, she was inwardly facing common childhood issues.

“I absolutely hated being alone. I think I actually had a very low self-confidence, but I tried to keep that part of myself hidden.”

Taylor says her leadership training started with her parents’ daily leading by example. She still lists her father as one of her greatest leadership mentors.

“Watching my dad coach always has inspired me as a leader. He still inspires me. My dad is able to communicate well, but can also lead just by example, which is so admirable.”

Following in the footsteps of her athletic family, Taylor began to invest herself in various sports at her school. She found her identity in her talents, but circumstances changed when something threatened her familiar way of life.

In 2007, Taylor was diagnosed with RSDS, also known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome. As described by the RSDS Association website, RSDS is a “chronic neurological syndrome characterized by burning pain, sensitivity to touch, and tissue swelling.” The condition attacked Taylor’s nervous system, and the pain would come in unpredictable and uncontrollable waves. But with the constant support of her family, she persevered and pushed forward.

“My condition has helped me with showing people tolerance and patience. In dealing with my own pain and realizing how it affects me, I can notice that others are hurting as well. That’s why some people act out towards those around them.”

Taylor has applied her personal experiences to her leadership in the community and on the C of O campus. Now 20 years old, she is focused on her studies in the Public Relations field, but still finds time to stay involved in campus activities like dances, games, and retreats. Just as she was in her childhood, Taylor is constantly seeking new friendships with those around her.

“I truly value genuine relationships. I don’t ever want people to feel like they  have to wear a mask around me or have it all together. I want my friendships to be authentic because that’s how I try to be in all that I do.”

After graduation, Taylor hopes to find a career that ties her PR major and Christian Ministries minor together. She still enjoys public speaking and desires to impact the world around her by spreading awareness about RSDS.

“I remember a time where I would stay up praying, begging God to use me in any way. I’m starting to see that my condition is an opportunity to do that. In a way, it’s a strange answer to prayer.”

Through her leadership, Taylor is encouraging and inspiring those around her to persevere and rest in who God has called them to be.

Do all for the glory of God and you won’t have to be perfect. You can be confident in what He has for you. That’s really my biggest hope for others.”       

For more information on RSDS and what patients like Taylor are doing to spread awareness, check out the RSDS Association website.